In the year 2011 the Ibersol Group operated in
a firm and determined manner, mindful of the
inherent impact of the austerity period currently
affecting the country.
The crisis and the rescue programme for
Portugal have sharply changed consumer
profiles and behaviour, a situation we believe
will continue in the next few years.
Families visit and depend less on trips to
restaurants but have not lowered their
expectations. For this reason, nothing can affect
the quality, comfort and satisfaction consumers
must be sure to find at their disposal.
This orientation, which aims to safeguard
“experience” in a changing context, affected
the Group’s performance despite adjustments
made to the costs structure.
As we maintain a direct relationship with
consumers we immediately felt their changed
behaviour, without being able to deflect to our
partners the effects of all these changes. We
are still beginning that process, which will take
some time to bear fruit.
The future will depend a great deal on what we
do today, so that this period of sacrifice can be
compensated in years to come.
Message from the Chairman
of the Board