Professional activity in the last five years
- Practices law privately in the County of Porto
Date of commencement and end of mandate
- 2007 / 2012
Duties carried out in governing bodies of other
Ibersol Group companies
Carriesoutnoduties inother IbersolGroupcompanies.
Number of directly or indirectly held shares in
Holds no shares of the company.
evaluates annually the external auditor and the
possibility of the proposed general meeting of the
auditor’s dismissal for just cause
The supervisory board carries out the annual
evaluation of the External Auditor and includes its
findings in its report and opinion, issued under and for
the purposes of paragraph g) of paragraph 1 of Article
420 of the Companies Code.
II.30. Description of the remuneration policy of
the administration and supervision as referred
to in Article 2 of Law nº 28/2009 of 19 June.
For setting the remunerations of the Board of
Directors members and Statutory Audit Committee
there weren´t attended any comparative
practices or remuneration policies practiced in
other companies’ group. It is not defined, as well,
any politics over payments for the dismissal or
termination, by agreement, of the administrator
Regarding the remuneration politic over the
Company’s Executives, this one is attended in the
Board’s of Directors Declaration, joined in this
Governance Report. There are no important or
significant variable components in the remuneration
of the executive directors.
II.31. Indication of the annual amount of
remuneration received by individual members of
theadministrationandsupervisionof thecompany,
including fixed and variable remuneration, and
for this, mention the different components
that originated it, what portion is deferred and
installment that has already been paid.
The Shareholder’s Company ATPS-SGPS,SA, has
rendered management services to the Group,