Consolidated Financial Analysis
The consolidated result before taxes was 9,2
million euros, representing a reduction of 10,6
million euros, i.e. a drop of 53.6%.
Corporate tax
The effective tax in 2011 is 2,9 million euros,
versus 4,02 million euros in 2010. This figure
accompanies the evolution of results and the
lower amount of tax deferrals available for use.
Due to the effect of deferred taxes, the amount
of total tax applicable for calculating the Net
Result came to a positive amount of 2,67 million
euros, corresponding to a rate of 28.7%.
net profit
Consolidated Result for the
Financial Year
The net consolidated result for the financial
year was 6,55 million euros, compared to the
figure of 15,0 million euros recorded in 2010,
representing a drop of 56.3%.
Uncontrolled interests essentially involve the
direct and indirect stake of minority shareholders
in the subsidiary Ibersande (Pans & Cª) and
stood at 424,000 euros.
The net consolidated result attributable to
shareholders was 6,13 million euros, 58.1% less
than the figure for 2010.