8. Shares held by members of Governing Bodies,
in accordance with number 5, article 447 of the
Portuguese Company Law.
Number of shares held directly or indirectly in
Ibersol, SGPS, S.A.:
Chairman - Dr. António Alberto Guerra Leal Teixeira
1,400 shares of the capital of Ibersol SGPS, SA.
3,384,000 shares representing 50% of the capital of
At 31/12/2013 ATPS II, SGPS, SA held 5,680 shares rep-
resenting 50.04% of the share capital of ATPS, SGPS, SA.
At 31/12/2013 ATPS, SGPS, SA held 886,359 shares of
the capital of Ibersol, SGPS, SA and 2,455,000 shares
representing 100% of the capital of I.E.S. – Indústria En-
genharia e Serviços, SGPS, SA.
At 31/12/2013 IES – Indústria, Engenharia and Services,
SGPS, SA held 9,998,000 shares of the capital of Ibersol,
Vice-Chairman - Dr. António Carlos Vaz Pinto de Sousa
1,400 shares of the capital of Ibersol SGPS, SA.
3,384,000 shares representing 50% of the capital of
At 31/12/2013 ATPS II, SGPS, SA held 5,680 shares rep-
resenting 50.04% of the share capital of ATPS, SGPS, SA.
At 31/12/2013 ATPS, SGPS, SA held 886,359 shares of
the capital of Ibersol, SGPS, SA and 2,455,000 shares
representing 100% of the capital of I.E.S. – Indústria En-
genharia e Serviços, SGPS, SA.
At 31/12/2013 IES – Indústria, Engenharia and Services,
SGPS, SA held 9,998,000 shares of the capital of Ibersol,
Director – Prof. Doutor Juan Carlos Vázquez-Dodero
Does not hold any shares of the company
Chairman - Dr. Joaquim Alexandre de Oliveira e Silva
Does not hold any shares of the company
Vice-Chairman – António Maria Borda Cardoso
Does not hold any shares of the company
Member – Eduardo Moutinho Ferreira Santos
Does not hold any shares of the company
Substitute – Maria Helena Moreira de Araújo
Does not hold any shares of the company
9. Board of Directors qualification due to
share capital increase
Under article 4.2 of the Company’s Bylaws the share
capital may be increased to one hundred million euros
in one or more increases by resolution of the Board
of Directors, which shall determine the manner, con-
ditions of subscription and categories of shares to be
issued from among those provided for in the articles of
association or such others as may be permitted by law.
10. Related Party Transactions
No material business or transactions were conducted
between the Company and holders of qualifying share-