Corporate Governance Report
45. External Auditor assessment.
The Audit Committee annually assesses the work of the external auditor and states
its conclusions in its Report and Opinion, issued in the terms and for the purposes of
art. 420.1.g) of the Companies Code.
46. Additional work.
The non-audit services provided by the external auditor will mainly include services
to do with the review of tax documentation processes and keeping up to date with
tax legislation.
The Audit Committee analyzed and approved the scope of said services, concluding
that they do not represent any threat to the auditor’s independence.
The non-audit services are provided by different individuals from those involved in
the audit, so that the independence and impartiality of the auditor is considered to
be assured.
The fees billed for non-audit services in 2015 represented 4,1% of the total fees
billed to the Group by PriceWaterHouseCoopers in the year.