Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2015
There were no reports to the Fiscal Board of any kind of transactions between the society and it’s shareholders or
related parties, in the sense of the CMVM Recommendation IV.1.2, that should be submitted to it’s prior opinion if
they reached the level of significance established by this body.
The Fiscal Board examined the individual and consolidated management report and the individual and
consolidated financial statements, it’s respective annexure, including the 2015 Corporate Governance Report
presented by the Board of Directors, having examined, as well, the Legal Certification of Accounts and its Opinion
issued by the Chartered Accountant and has also considered the Audit Report submitted by
Coopers & Associados, SROC.
The Fiscal Board also examined the compliance of the Corporate Governance Report included in the Management
Report in compliance to the nº 5 art. 420 of the Commercial Societies Code, focusing it’s analysis in the inclusion,
in that Governance Report, of the required elements of the 254-A article of the Portuguese Securities Market Code.
2. Opinion:
Considering the above, the opinion of the Fiscal Board is that are fulfilled the conditions of the approval, by the
General Meeting, of :
a) Themanagement reports, the financial consolidated and individual statements of 2015 and respective annexes,
namely the Governance Report, annexed to the Management Report and Consolidated Accounts;
b) The proposal of distribution of year-end results presented by the Board of directors.
Porto, 6
April 2016
The Fiscal Board
The President
(Dr. Joaquim Alexandre de Oliveira e Silva)
The Vice-President
(Dr. António Maria de Borda Cardoso)
The Effective Member
(Dr. Eduardo Moutinho Ferreira Santos)