IBERSOL Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2017

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 (1) Amounts are detailed as follows: Dec. 2017 Dec. 2016 Special payment on account - -31.896 Payments on account - -2.498.358 Withholding taxes - -653.430 Income tax - parent - 198.720 Income tax - subsidiaries (RETGS) - 4.526.147 Total - 1.541.182 (2) Subsidiaries fiscal and tax Group, headquarter in Spain; (3) Excluded from the special taxation of corporate groups (RETGS), income tax to be paid by subsidiary Iberusa ACE. 18.2. DEFERRED TAX Changes in deferred taxes in the period are: Assets Liabilities Income and loss account (Note 28) Starting balance 8.350.319 12.242.099 Temporary differences in the year -1.185.948 -815.719 -370.229 Hyperinflationary Economies (IAS 29) - 4.870.489* -1.731.591 Closing balance 7.164.371 16.296.869 * Of the variation in deferred taxes, 3.138.898 eur were recognized in retained earnings in the consolidated statement of financial position (note 36), for the application of IAS 29, Hyperinflationary economy.. 18.2.1 Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets on 31st December 2017 and 2016, according to the temporary differences that generate them, are broken down as follows: Deferred tax assets Dec. 2017 Dec. 2016 Reportable fiscal losses 1.068.362 1.359.554 Reportable fiscal benefits 1.182.596 - Tangible fixed assets and intangible asset impairment losses 3.408.913 4.520.447 Other temporary differences (1) 1.504.500 2.470.318 7.164.371 8.350.319 (1) Amount related essentially to the value of the goodwill generated on the sale of a subsidiary in 2015, and other temporary differences, by the Group Eat Out. 263