IBERSOL Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2017
ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Accounting Value Valuation Method Financial Assets Category Year 2017 Year 2016 Loans Other liabilities 137.246.895 161.252.580 Amortized cost Financial leasing Other liabilities 3.767.846 5.539.081 Amortized cost Suppliers Other liabilities 45.884.205 48.439.382 Amortized cost Cost accruals Other liabilities 13.062.648 8.966.251 Amortized cost Other creditors Other liabilities 10.079.493 11.141.172 Amortized cost Derivative financial instruments Other liabilities 235.455 114.935 Fair value 210.276.542 235.453.402 Only Financial Assets (such as Clients and Other Debtors) presents impairment losses, as Note 15. On 31st December 2017 and 2016, gains or losses related with these financial assets and liabilities were as follows: Profit/ (Loss) Dec. 2017 Dec. 2016 Accounts receivable -582.330 122.583 Assets available for sale - - Assets at amortised cost - - -582.330 122.583 The interest of financial assets and liabilities were as follows: Interest Dec. 2017 Dec. 2016 Accounts receivable - - Assets available for sale - - Liabilities at amortised cost 4.733.959 2.786.616 4.733.959 2.786.616 The exchange rate differences of financial assets and liabilities were as follows: Diferenças de câmbio Dec. 2017 Dec. 2016 Accounts receivable - - Assets available for sale - - Liabilities at amortised cost -66.524 -95.540 -66.524 -95.540 273