IBERSOL Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2017
Consolidated Financial Statements 35. IMPAIRMENT Movements during the years 2017 and 2016, under the heading of asset impairment losses were as follows: December 2017 Starting balance Perimeter variation Cancellation Impairment assets disposals Impairment in the year Impairment reversion Closing balance Tangible fixed assets 11.467.097 - - -727.460 169.635 (1) - 10.909.271 Goodwill 1.861.678 - - - - - 1.861.678 Intangible assets 3.710.538 - - -3.332 - - 3.707.206 Stocks 74.981 - - - - - 74.981 Other current assets 2.753.877 305 -1.176.843 - 702.271 (2) -119.940 2.159.669 19.868.171 305 -1.176.843 -730.792 871.905 -119.940 18.712.805 December 2016 Starting balance Perimeter variation Cancellation Impairment assets disposals Impairment in the year Impairment reversion Closing balance Tangible fixed assets 9.633.672 2.772.246 - -1.665.589 817.744 (1) -90.976 (1) 11.467.097 Goodwill 1.861.678 - - - - - 1.861.678 Intangible assets 3.700.917 40.836 - -31.215 - - 3.710.538 Stocks 74.981 - - - - - 74.981 Other current assets 1.442.527 2.022.906 -588.973 - 33.885 (2) -156.467 (3) 2.753.877 Other non current assets 134.342 - -134.342 - - - - 16.848.116 4.835.988 -723.315 -1.696.804 851.629 -247.443 19.868.171 (1) Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses of TFA and IA; (2) Other operating income; (3) Other operating costs. The impairment losses of tangible fixed assets and intangible assets are detailed as follows: Year 2017 Tangible fixed assets Intangible assets Total Pans (1 unit) 32.567 32.567 Pizza Móvil (2 units) 137.068 - 137.068 169.635 - 169.635 Year 2016 Tangible fixed assets Intangible assets Total Pasta Caffé (1 unit) 110.000 - 110.000 Pans (1 unit) 169.966 - 169.966 Pizza Móvil (3 units) 178.167 - 178.167 Ò Kilo (1 unit) 172.219 - 172.219 Pans & Company (10 units) 187.392 - 187.392 817.743 - 817.743 276