IBERSOL Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2017

Restaurants Alameda Shop&Spot and NorteShopping units were re-certified out ac- cording to the NP EN ISO 22000 standard. With regard to obtaining customer’s opinions, we continued to consolidate the “Pasta Experience” programme, an on-line platform where the custo- mer evaluates all the relevant aspects of their experience regarding ser- vice and offer, enabling them to make suggestions for improvement. With regards to Social Responsibility, the Pasta Caffé participated in va- rious projects linked to the community, having taken on interns from the Technical Restaurant Course from different institutions and also partici- pated in the campaign “Graças a Muitos” (Thanks to Many) in partnership with the Federação Portuguesa dos Bancos Alimentares (Portuguese Fe- deration of Food Banks). During the year, the brand also integrated the Ibersol brands which initia- ted the partnership with the Continente Card. 56