IBERSOL Annual Report 2018

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Land Buildings Equipment Other tangible fixed Assets Tangible Assets in progress (1) Total 1 January 2018 Initial net amount 15.324.714 140.566.200 31.720.210 8.685.219 1.675.874 197.972.217 Hyperinflationary Economies (IAS 29) (1) 636.821 866.426 204.363 39.617 -48.172 1.699.055 Currency conversion -1.451.675 -3.487.482 -1.732.828 -381.881 -35.010 -7.088.876 Additions - 22.459.004 9.916.886 2.755.073 560.641 35.691.604 Decreases - 599.668 38.421 24.260 538.056 1.200.405 Transfers - 47.057 487.068 84.340 -618.465 - Depreciation in the year 18.973 15.774.618 7.088.709 1.605.514 - 24.487.815 Impairment in the year - 1.385.106 - - - 1.385.106 Impairment reversion - -109.615 - - - -109.615 Final net amount 14.490.887 142.801.427 33.468.569 9.552.594 996.812 201.310.291 31 December 2018 Cost 14.731.098 260.017.140 134.098.549 27.727.867 996.812 437.571.466 Accumulated depreciation 240.212 106.579.970 99.691.547 18.116.824 - 224.628.553 Accumulated impairment - 10.635.741 938.433 58.448 - 11.632.622 Net amount 14.490.886 142.801.429 33.468.569 9.552.595 996.812 201.310.291 (1)changes resulting from the application of IAS 29, hyperinflationary economy, are presented as follows Restatement of Tangible Fixed Assets (TFA) 31/12/2017 17.006.874 Restatement of TFA in the year ended on 31/12/2018: Cost 3.718.223 Accumulated depreciation -2.104.923 Note 7 1.613.300 Restatement of depreciation for the year 85.755 Sub-total 1.699.055 Total 18.705.929 251