IBERSOL Annual Report 2018
ANNUAL REPORT 2018 2018 2017 Gross amount Accumulated depreciation Gross amount Accumulated depreciation Land and Buildings 8.876.255 5.540.270 8.675.857 4.793.270 Equipments 2.548.499 1.649.437 2.360.327 1.413.591 Other tangible fixed assets 86.573 39.209 67.903 29.940 11.511.326 7.228.916 11.104.086 6.236.801 Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses of tangible fixed assets and intan- gible assets, are as follows: Tangible fixed assets Intangible assets and Goodwill TOTAL Depreciation in the year 24.487.815 1.852.361 26.340.175 Impairment in the year 1.385.106 2.032.182 3.417.289 Others 37.067 - 37.067 29.794.531 9. INTANGIBLE ASSETS AND GOODWILL Goodwill and intangible assets are broken down as follows: dec. 2018 dec. 2017 Goodwill 90.846.327 92.862.786 Intangible assets 36.146.157 35.115.966 126.992.484 127.978.752 In the years ending on 31 December 2018 and 2017, the movement in the value of intangible assets, amortization and accumulated impairment losses were as follows: 255
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