IBERSOL Annual Report 2018
ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Goodwill Brands (1) Industrial property Other intangible Assets Intangible Assets in progress (1) Total 1 January 2018 Initial net amount 92.862.786 20.716.667 11.391.511 1.695.333 1.312.455 127.978.752 Changes in Consolidat. perimeter - - - - - - Hyperinflationary Economies (IAS 29) (1) - - 43.435 - 89.612 133.047 Currency conversion - - -226.244 - -266.369 -492.613 Additions - - 1.854.935 217.503 1.244.006 3.316.444 Decreases - - 54.932 - 3.670 58.601 Transfers - - 5.552 - -5.552 - Amortization in the year - 1.100.000 547.555 204.805 - 1.852.361 Impairment in the year 2.016.459 - 15.723 - - 2.032.182 Final net amount 90.846.327 19.616.667 12.450.979 1.708.031 2.370.483 126.992.484 31 December 2018 Cost 92.862.786 22.000.000 42.232.722 12.960.943 2.370.483 172.426.934 Accumulated amortization - 2.383.333 26.100.687 11.211.040 - 39.695.060 Accumulated impairment 2.016.459 - 3.681.055 41.875 - 5.739.389 Net amount 90.846.327 19.616.667 12.450.980 1.708.028 2.370.483 126.992.484 (1)changes resulting from the application of IAS 29, the hyperinflationary economy, are as follows: Restatement of Intangible Assets (IA) 31/12/2017 907 284 Restatement of IA in the year ended on 31/12/2018: Cost 299.665 Accumulated depreciation -169.719 Note 7 129.946 Restatement of depreciation for the year 3.101 Sub-total 133.047 Total 1.040.331 257
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