IBERSOL Annual Report 2018

Consolidated Financial Statements dec. 2018 dec. 2017 Goodwill (1) 2.168.982 2.168.982 Equity (2) 290.860 251.404 2.459.842 2.420.386 (1) with evidence of impairment, tests were performed to the jointly controlled sub- sidiary UQ Consult, as follows: Goodwill 2.168.982 Other net assets 290.860 Total 2.459.842 Impairment test 3.083.590 With the discount rate used of 7.1%, it was concluded that there was no impairment. The recoverable amount exceeds the recorded value by more than 20% and no sen- sitivity analysis is presented. (2) reconciliation of equity and net income of the joint venture UQ Consult, is pre- sented as follows: dec. 2018 dec. 2017 Equity 581.719 502.807 50% 50% 290.860 251.407 Net profit 78.911 5.510 50% 50% 39.456 2.754 On 31st December 2018 and 2017, the consolidated statements of financial position, of comprehensive income and consolidated cash flows statements of Ibersol’s jointly controlled interest UQ Consult, were as follows: 262