IBERSOL Annual Report 2018
Consolidated Financial Statements 11.2. CURRENT dec/2018 dec/2017 Treasury bonds 4.040.342 5.162.755 4.040.342 5.162.755 Accumulated impairment losses 184.967 - 3.855.375 5.162.755 Issue data 16/02/16 11/04/16 15/05/17 17/02/17 Due date 19/02/19 16/12/19 26/07/19 16/12/19 BNA exchange rate 157,092 162,082 165,088 165,082 Amount 1.659 1.308 746 72 Value on 31/12/2018 1.754.277 1.375.590 834.083 76.393 Gross annual return 5% 5% 7,25% 5% 12. OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS Other non-current assets breakdown is presented as follows: dec/2018 dec/2017 Other non-current assets (1) 8.781.933 5.694.059 Credits granted to third parties 4.479.410 641.326 Impairment balances -340.000 - 12.921.343 6.335.385 (1) balance of other non-current debtors is mainly comprised of deposits and securities in Spain resulting from lease agreements. Trade accounts receivable from other debtors are initially recognized at fair value and, in the case of medium and long-term debt, are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, less impairment. In 2018, a discount rate of 2% was applied, recognizing the current deferral in the amount of € 151.372 (note 15) and noncurrent in the amount of € 972.263, as well as a loss in the amount of € 51,.06 (Note 27) . In 2018 an impairment loss of € 340.000 (note 26) was recorded on a balance re- ceivable from a Vidisco franchisee. 266
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