IBERSOL Annual Report 2018

Consolidated Financial Statements Bank overdrafts include the creditor balances of current accounts with financial in- stitutions, included in the consolidated statement of financial position in the “bank loans” item (Note 17). The amount of other payments / receipts relating to operating activities in the con- solidated cash flow statement include, essentially, payments to Social Security, VAT and related to other debtors and creditors. 15. OTHER CURRENT ASSETS Other current assets on 31st December 2018 and 2017 are broken down as follows:: dec/2018 dec/2017 Clients (1) 9.546.044 7.045.044 State and other public entities (2) 4.364.242 1.821.312 Other debtors (3) 6.721.003 4.797.968 Advances to suplliers 425.158 443.940 Advances to fixed suppliers - 320.781 Accruals and income (4) 6.929.484 5.060.103 Deferred costs (5) 2.562.368 2.494.073 Other current assets 30.548.299 21.983.221 Accumulated impairment losses 2.931.120 2.159.659 27.617.179 19.823.562 (1) Current balance arising essentially by the Catering and Franchising activity devel- oped by Ibersol, respectively, from around 2,3 million eur and 6 million eur (3 million and 3,1 million in 2017). (2) Current balance of recoverable VAT amounts 4.364.024 eur (1.810.044 euros in 2017). (3) Balance refers mainly to meal vouchers (delivered by customers), advances and balances suppliers, debts to suppliers, recovery of costs and the marketing contribu- tions and rappel debt. (4) Accruals and income item is broken down into the following items: 268