IBERSOL Annual Report 2018
Consolidated Financial Statements There are no significant differences between the balance sheet amounts and fair value of current and non-current loans. The maturities of non-current bank loans are broken down as follows: dec/2018 dec/2017 From 1 to 2 years 28.782.805 35.906.411 From 2 to 5 years 48.835.503 69.045.080 > 5 years 442.960 431.999 78.061.268 105.383.490 Regardless of its ending stated period, for the subscribed commercial paper pro- grammes the Group considers the full repayment on its maturity date (the renewal date). Movements in 2018 and 2017 in current and non-current loans are as follows: 2018 2017 Opening balance 137.226.551 159.446.938 Currency translation and other adjustments -5.456.591 118.715 Receipts 11.786.179 4.702.567 Payments -19.474.431 -27.041.669 Change in perimeter - - Final balance 124.081.708 137.226.551 Using the functional currency in which they were subscribed, total loans on 31st De- cember 2018 and 2017 were as follows: : dec/2018 dec/2017 EUR 117.447.270 125.847.371 USD 500.000 1.000.000 AOA 2.565.000.000 1.981.500.000 At the end of the year the Group had 18,6 million euros of unissued commercial paper programmes and available but not disposable credit lines. Long-term loans contracted under the acquisition of Eat Out Group include clauses with the following financial covenants: 274
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