IBERSOL Annual Report 2018
Restaurants aimed at promoting a new and more appealing, modern and current style. This was also a year for consoli- dating a global growth strategy, through an investment in opera- tional excellence, both in terms of service – with fully qualified and consistent teams – and in terms of the product, providing new and differentiating experiences. Investment in innovative and quality products is a top prior- ity in a business which, besides producing three different types of pizza dough every day, using fresh ingredients and 100% Moz- zarella cheese, introduced new in- gredients, compositions and piz- za shapes in 2018, such as the Big Hut, the Cheesy Bites Cheesy Hot Dog, the Rolling Stuffed Crust Pepperoni the Crispy Pizzas and the Super Rolling Stuffed Crust. The launching of the “MY HUT – You choose” programme, draws Pizza Hut closer to the trends, centred on variety and the need to match supply to the clients’ and fans’ desire for customisa- tion. Regarding home delivery, we invested in shared menus, with plenty of promotions. Take- away services included ideas for sharing between two or more people. The brand has kept up its multi- platform communications strate- gy, with a constant and strength- ened presence in “above the line” media and a stronger digital presence. Digitalisation was one of the more important aspects of the brand, both in terms of in- house service and home delivery. With regard to our teams’ train- ing and certification, we main- tained our commitment to our staff in a constant and continu- ous effort to create a Culture of Excellence. This commitment involves the ongoing qualifica- tion of the Teams (investing in thousands of training hours), as well as promoting career de- velopment (through the Grow + Programme), consolidation of the @Leading A Shift (LAS) programmes directed at the Management teams, Clean2Safe (an innovative programme that consolidates restaurant clean- ing processes) training or the implementation of the ACE pro- 50
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