IBERSOL Annual Report 2018

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Pasta Caffé – a chain of restau- rants specialising in Italian food – ended 2018 with 7 restaurants and a team of 130 employees. During the year, special attention was dedicated to renewing the offer, with a major focus on the launch of new typical Italian dish- es. The menu was renovated at the end of the year, with the aim of introducing the dishes which had done best during the last “Temporadas” of the year. Given the need to address the fast pace of daily life and with time- constrained consumers in mind, a “Lunch Buffet” was created in some of the restaurants. PORTUGAL The “Temporadas” initiative was kept up during the year, allowing us to innovate and test new reci- pes and compositions, based on the different food families associ- ated to Italy: pastas, pizzas and ri- sottos. These “Temporadas” have always been well received by the consumers, and the genuine Ital- ian tastes strengthen the Italian Character. In 2018, all of the teams’ training processes were maintained and the NorteShopping Pasta Caffé unit was re-certified according to the NP EN ISO 22000 standard. With regard to obtaining cus- tomer’s opinions, we continued 55