IBERSOL Annual Report 2018

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Pizza Móvil closed the year with 28 units. This year was marked by the continued transformation of two Pizza Móvil restaurants into Pizza Hut restaurants. There are current- ly five Pizza Hut restaurants. During 2018 the brand continued to base its communication strat- egy on the neuromarketing study carried out in previous years, as well as investing in innovation for differentiation, launching new compositions onto the market, such as the Pizza Curry. SPAIN Pizza Móvil also reinforced its presence in the digital channel through campaigns that strength- ened brand awareness, with a particular focus on the 2018 Rus- sia World Football Cup. The brand also continued to in- vest in increasing awareness amongst the young, sponsoring youth sports teams and the Foot- ball Federations of Galicia and Asturias, reaching over 65 thou- sand children. 59