IBERSOL | 2019 Annual Report

2019 ANNUAL REPORT 35. IMPAIRMENT Os movimentos ocorridos nos exercícios de 2019 e 2018, na rubrica perdas de impa- ridade de ativos foram os seguintes: December 2019 Starting balance Perimeter variation Cancellation and reclassif. Impairment assets disposals Impairment in the year Impairment reversion Closing balance Tangible fixed assets 11 632 624 - - -206 746 (5) 492 746 (1) -937 480 (1) 10 981 144 Intangible assets 3 722 929 - - - - - 3 722 929 Stocks 74 981 - - - - - 74 981 Other current assets 2 931 120 -10 923 -931 803 - 1 002 267 (2) -405 000 (3) 2 585 661 Other financial assets (current and non-current) 940 762 - - - - -233 396 707 366 19 302 416 -10 923 -931 803 -206 746 1 495 013 -1 575 876 18 072 081 December 2018 Starting balance Perimeter variation Cancellation Impairment assets disposals Impairment in the year Impairment reversion Closing balance Tangible fixed assets 10 909 271 - - -552 138 (5) 1 385 106 (1) -109 615 (1) 11 632 624 Intangible assets 3 707 206 - - - 15 723 (1) - 3 722 929 Stocks 74 981 - - - - - 74 981 Other current assets 2 159 669 -28 899 141 347 - 843 800 (2) -184 787 (3) 2 931 120 Other financial assets (current and non-current) - - - - 940 762 (4) - 940 762 16 851 128 -28 899 141 347 -552 138 3 185 391 -294 402 19 302 416 In the year an impairment of 4.000.000 euros (2.016.459 euros in 2018) was recog- nized in Goodwill. (1) amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses of TFA and IA, notes 8 and 9; (2) other operating costs; (3) other operating income; (4) recorded in other reserves and retained earnings (as at 01 January 2018) 1.052.331 euros and net financing cost (111.569 euros), note 27; (5) Instatement of assets associated impairment losses are detailed as follows: 285