IBERSOL | 2019 Annual Report
2019 ANNUAL REPORT RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT In accordance with paragraph c) number 1 of article 245 of the Por- tuguese Securities Market Code the Fiscal Board informs as far as its members know and regarding the elements we assessed, the informa- tion contained in the individual and consolidated financial statements of 2019 was prepared in accordance with applicable accounting stan- dards, giving a true and appropriate view of the assets and liabilities, financial position and the results of IBERSOL- SGPS, SA, and the com- panies included in the consolidation perimeter, and that the manage- ment reports faithfully describes the business evolution, performance and financial position of the company and of the companies included in the consolidation perimeter, and contains a description of the major risks and uncertainties they face. Oporto, 08 th May 2020 The Fiscal Board Dr. Carlos Alberto Alves Lourenço (Chairman) Dra. Maria José Martins Lourenço da Fonseca (Vice-Chairman) Dr. Eduardo Moutinho Ferreira Santos (Effective Member) 297
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