IBERSOL | 2019 Annual Report
2019 ANNUAL REPORT Excellence in quality and safety An active quality, safety and certification policy, allows the Ibersol Group to strengthen its position as a major player in the restaurant sector. Its discipline and thoroughness enable it to continue to carve a path of ex- cellence, and accumulate certifications for the quality of its operations, customer service and food safety, both in Portugal, Spain and Angola. As far as the Ibersol Group is concerned, the certifications confirm and highlight the engagement and dedication of its teams in everything they do. In 2019 the Ibersol Group remained on this path of continuous improve- ment, in tune with the principles of the norms according to which it is already certified. In particular we’d like to stress the certification of the Group’s central production unit – Ibergourmet - Produtos Alimentares, SA (UCP Mo- divas) – an extremely demanding GFSI norm, in terms of food safety standards: FSSC 22000 (Version 4.1) – scope: Ready to eat and ready to heat combined products and meals, sliced, fried, cooked including “sous vide”, grilled, stewed, roasted, baked, packed in thermoformed plastic packages, with or without vacuum, thermo-sealed plastic bags with MAP, flexible plastic bags sealed, vacuum and MAP, at room tem- perature, chilled or frozen. (Category CIII) The following certifications were also renewed: - NPISO’s9001:2015, 14001:2015eNP4397:2008/OHSAS18001:2007(*1): HEAD OFFICE: Management of the Ibersol Group’s Restaurant Opera- tions and VOG: Restaurant Catering Services. - NP EN ISO 22000:2005 Portugal: Head Office – Management of the Ibersol Group’s restaurant operations food chain; - NP EN ISO 22000: Food Safety Management Systems in Portugal, within the scope of Ma- nagement of the Food Chain of the Ibersol Group’s Restaurant Opera- tions; Restaurant/catering Services in the restaurants: Catering Estádio do Dragão; Pizza Hut-KFC-Cockpit Drinks & Tapas-Especially Terminal 1 Lisbon Airport; Burger King Alameda Shopping; Kiosks Café Alame- da Shopping; KFC Alameda Shopping; Pizza Hut Alameda Shopping; Pans&Company Alameda Shopping; Burger King Colombo; Pizza Hut Colombo; Pans&Company Colombo; KFC Colombo; Burger King Nor- 37
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