IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020
ANNUAL REPORT 2020 emergency in Portugal, which began on 21 March, Taco Bell was forced to close several of its res- taurants. In May, these reopened, stronger than ever and with nov- elties for all its followers. Safety and comfort measures for clients and staffwere implemented and strengthened, including acryl- ic barriers at the counters, social distancing markers on the floor, hand sanitation stations, stronger hygiene and cleaning protocols, mandatory mask use and specific Covid-19 training for staff. All the brand’s restaurants were certified by the SAFETY COVID by ALS programme. The reo- pening was celebrated with the launching of a Taco Tuesday, a unique campaign that has been successful in other countries, where the client can choose Ta- cos for only 1 euro. On 15 June Taco Bell adapted its operations to home delivery, in partnership with UberEats. All orders are sealed, ensuring maxi- mum safety. Simultaneously the Ibersol Group picked the digital Legendary People + Ideas agency to take over Taco Bell’s digital strategy in Portugal, adopting a relaxed, close, and entertaining tone and elevating and strengthening Taco Bell’s position in the domestic market. In October we began to intro- duce the digital kiosk platform to our restaurants. These represent a natural interface for our target- audience and our goal was to im- prove the experience and speed of service, using a simple and in- tuitive application. During the year of 2020 the brand also strengthened its partnership with the Continente Card, promoting the second edi- tion of Menu10, an Ibersol Group loyalty programme based on the Continent Card APP, with unique and differentiating promotional advantages. With regards to Social Respon- sibility, Pans participated in vari- ous community outreach pro- jects, including the “Thanks to Many” initiative, in partnership with the Portuguese Federation of Food Banks. 117
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