IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

Environmental Performance Reactive Energy Electrical equipment (motors, compressors, etc…) require reactive energy, which does not produce work, to function. Excessive reactive energy consumption, linked to low potency factor values, have some disadvantages: - Reduced service life; - Higher electricity bills from the electricity distributor; - Underuse of the installed capacity. This type of energy was compensated for in the restaurants through the installation of capacitor banks. AVAC and Exhaust Systems Air renovation in Ibersol Group restaurants is done mechanically, through insufflation and extraction ventilators. Fresh air is intro- duced through the air-conditioning units. Working air conditioning equipment represents a high cost which is directly related to the setpoint defined for the equipment’s op- eration. By adjusting the working temperature to one more ad- equate (18ºC in Winter and 25ºC in Summer), which has no associ- ated costs, savings of 7% in energy consumption were achieved. Speed variators were installed in exhaust and smoke extraction vents, allowing for reductions of electricity consumption on aver- age of 20 to 25%. The Energy Performance Regulations for Commercial and Service Buildings (RECS) DL N. 101-D/2020 of 7 December, establishes the standards applicable to the improvement of their energy perfor- mance and regulates the Buildings Energy Certification System. The regulation for buildings with almost no energy needs, known as NZEB, applies to new commercial and services buildings whose construction licencing or authorization processes were filed with the competent entities after January 2021. These buildings are characterised by presenting a very high energy performance and for having very low or almost non-existent ener- 142