IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

Environmental Performance This year of the pandemic, with people locked down at home and strong restrictions on global industry that closed major economies, oil prices went down and, with plenty of gas on offer, the average price of electricity on the retail market hit 40 euros/MWh, the lowest since 2004. Following a study of the electricity market, with the decrease of val- ues on the OMIP market, the price of electricity was renegotiated for the period of July 2020 to June 2022. The renegotiation of the price of electric energy led to a 9.93% reduc- tion in relation to the price of the energy component negotiated in 2019. With the reduction of the price of energy for the period between July and December, and with grid values remaining steady for this period, the total impact of the renegotiation for this period is a 5.87% drop in relation to the previous period of January to June. Period 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Electricity consumption points* 364 351 327 310 299 Global consumption (kWh) 39 243 448 38.652.469 35.982.997 35.482.475 35.042.964 Average consumption per point (kWh / store) 107 812 110.121 110.040 114.460 117.201 Consumption reduction – same stores as the previous period (kWh) 522 314 652.842 869.886 1.056.929 1.842.325 * Consumption points vary yearly, both due to opening and closing of stores and the number of units in which it was possible to get the figures. 146