IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

Environmental Performance Indirect CO 2 emissions 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Specific CO 2 emissions (kg/ kWh) 0,26 0,25 0,37 0,35 0,33 CO 2 emissions avoided in consumption (ton) 10 203 9.458 13.314 12.419 11.564 Production with renewable energy (KWh) 12 460 12.011 11.987 12.198 11.687 CO 2 emissions avoided through production with renewable energies (ton) 2,65 2,37 5,00 4,35 3,80 CO 2 emissions avoided TOTAL (Ton) 10 206 9.460 13.319 12.423 11.568 Direct CO 2 emissions CO 2 emissions produced in gas consumption (ton) 1 900 1.747 2.644 2.345 2.242 CO 2 emissions produced in gas consumption (ton CO 2 /store) 9 9 15 14 14 Water The reduction of wastage in water consumption, besides being an environmental concern related to climate change, is also of economic importance, given the rise in water prices, that vary regionally, within the country. CO 2 Emissions We remain committed to reducing CO 2 emissions and have insisted on finding solutions that allow for the mitigation of the impacts of this gas on the atmosphere. Compared to the previous year, around 10 thousand tonnes of car- bon dioxide were avoided, in total and indirectly, in the same universe of stores as in 2019. 148