IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Food donations and other initiatives In 2020 several of the Ibersol Group brands partnered with charities, mostly to offer meals. Throughout the year, and despite a significant drop in business vol- ume due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 7.5 tonnes of food products that were not consumed at Silva Carvalho Catering events were donated. The institutions that benefited from these donations were “Coração da Cidade” in Porto, and “Refood”, in Lisbon. The Burger King unit in Maia donated around 510 loaves of rye bread to Socialis, to be distributed to local needy families. The Marshopping Pizza Hut offered donated a meal to the Norte Vida Association, which supports needy people. During its annual Business Structure and Unit Managers meeting, Piz- za Hut ran a fundraiser to raise donations to help support the John Paul II Handicapped Support Centre, in Fátima. A donation was made of 605 euros, which helped to improve the conditions for people with severe handicaps that cannot live with their families. Within the scope of the activities for the celebration of Pizza Hut’s 30th anniversary in Portugal, a partnership was established with the CASA association, which includes the donation of Pizza Hut prod- ucts to the needy who are supported by said institution. In the Azores, Burger King donated 18 boxes of bread to the Terceira Island Food Bank (Associação de Combate à Insuficiência Alimentar - ASTECIA), which were then distributed to needy families in the region. The same unit provided lunch to 41 children and youths from the Casa do Gaiato – Obra do Padre Américo, in the Azores, on three dif- ferent days, giving them the chance to enjoy a tasty meal of some of the brand’s best products. On the other hand, the Azores Pizza Hut units provided meals to about 20 members of the Ribeira Grande Volunteer Fire Brigade. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, several brands and units donated their products to frontline professionals, contributing some 171