IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020
Product Liability PRODUCT LIABILITY Ibersol is a multi-brand Group which aims to provide its clients with unique restaurant experiences. Good experiences are the corner- stone for relationships of trust, a crucial asset with impact across the whole organisation. The group has clear strategic goals invested in the “Costumer” asset, in their level of satisfaction, the feedback they seek, evolutions in their consumption behaviour, wishes and expectations regarding the products and services made available to them. This focus helps iden- tify faster and more clearly which trends to follow, which concepts to expect, how to innovate the offer, opening the way for greater complementarity with the client and strengthening the company’s competitive position. 2020 presented the Group with a major challenge in terms of cus- tomer relationships, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the con- sequent closure of some of the restaurants and/or distribution chan- nels. Nonetheless, the Ibersol Group’s performance continues to be guided by its focus on the customer, with the necessary adaptations, to ensure maximum safety conditions. 182
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