IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020
GRI index GRI Index (Global Reporting Initiative) Standard Number Disclosure Number Performance GRI 102 102-1 Cover; Chapter 6. GRI 102 102-2 Chapter 6; www.ibersol.pt GRI 102 102-3 Chapter 6; GRI 102 102-4 Chapter 6; GRI 102 102-5 Chapter 6; GRI 102 102-6 Chapter 6; GRI 102 102-7 Chapters 5 and 6; GRI 102 102-8 Chapters 5 and 9; GRI 102 102-9 Integrated Management System; Chapters 6 and 7; GRI 102 102-10 Integrated Management System; Chapter 6 and 7; GRI 102 102-11 Integrated Quality, Environment, Employee Health and Safety and Food Safety Policy; www.ibersol.pt GRI 102 102-12 Chapter 9; www.vivabem.pt ; vivabemoblog.wordpress.com GRI 102 102-13 Portugal: AEP - Associação Empresarial de Portugal; AHRESP - Associação da Hotelaria, Restauração e Similares de Portugal; AIP - Associação Industrial Portuguesa; ATC - Associação de Turismo de Cascais; ATL - Associação de Turismo de Lisboa; ATP - Associação de Turismo de Porto e Norte de Portugal; CCILE - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Luso Espanhola; CCIPA - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portugal Angola; COTEC Portugal - Associação Empresarial para a Inovação. Espanha: AEF - Asociación Española de Franquiciadores; Entidad Urbanística de Conservación de A Granxa; CHP - Câmara de Comércio Hispano Portuguesa; Colegio de Graduados Sociales Angola: AHORESIA - Associação de Hotéis, Restaurantes, Similares e Catering de Angola. GRI 102 102-14 Chapter 1 GRI 102 102-15 Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 6; Integrated Management System GRI 102 102-16 Chapter 6; Good Conduct Code for Preventing and Fighting Harassment at work; Standards, Procedures and Internal Training Instruments GRI 102 102-17 Chapter 6; Good Conduct Code for Preventing and Fighting Harassment at work; Standards, Procedures and Internal Training Instruments 196
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