IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Standard Number Disclosure Number Performance GRI 401 401-1 Portugal: 2.858; 69%; Chapter 9 GRI 401 401-2 Non-existent GRI 401 401-3 According to applicable legislation GRI 402 402-1 All amendments are accordance with the law. When there are no regulations, deadlines were defined on a case -by-case basis, depending on the change in question, in accordance with the defined planning GRI 403 403-1 Non-existent. There is an Occupational Health and Safety team which develops and monitors the best practices in the field and implements them in the Ibersol Group’s standards and in training programmes GRI 403 403-2 Chapter 9; Portugal: Work-related accidents in 2020 = 399 Accidents en Route in 2020 = 32 Days lost due to work-related accidents during the year = 8.448 Days lost due to accidents en Route during the year = 1.089 GRI 403 403-3 There are no workers performing activities which are considered high risk GRI 403 403-4 Non applicable GRI 404 404-1 Chapter 9 GRI 404 404-2 Chapter 9 GRI 404 404-3 The frequency of performance appraisals depends on seniority and internal level, and are carried out, at least, once a year. Regarding the career progression processes, the analysis is case-by-case and is based, among others, on the input from the performance appraisal. Career development in Operations, Shift Management and some of the Unit Management roles is analysed monthly. For the remaining roles, career development is dealt within an annual process. Both processes apply to 100% of the Group’s employees. GRI 405 405-1 Unreported GRI 405 405-2 The ratio for fixed remuneration of women to men: Operations:1,00; Shift Manager: 0,98; Unit Manager: 0,94; Business Structure: 0,69; Central Functions: 0,77; Total: 1,00 Indicator calculated for Portugal GRI 406 406-1 Non-existent GRI 407 407-1 Non-existent GRI 408 408-1 Non-existent GRI 409 409-1 Non-existent GRI 410 410-1 Non-existent GRI 411 411-1 Non-existent 201