IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020
ANNUAL REPORT 2020 8. Number of shares and bonds held by the Governing Bodies members - Board of Directors and Supervisory Board Number of Shares directly or indirectly held in Ibersol, SGPS SA: BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman - Dr. António Carlos Vaz Pinto de Sousa 2,520 shares of the capital of Ibersol SGPS, SA. 9,996 shares representing 99,96% of the capital of Calum – Serviços e Gestão, SA. Calum – Serviços e Gestão, SA. holds 2,840 shares representing 25,02% of the capital of ATPS, SGPS, SA. ATPS, SGPS, SA. on 31/12/2020 holds 19,767,058 shares representing share capital of Ibersol, SGPS, SA. Vice-Chairman - Dr. António Alberto Guerra Leal Teixeira 2,520 shares of the capital of Ibersol SGPS, SA. 9,996 shares representing 99,96% of the capital of Dunbar – Serviços e Gestão, SA. Dunbar – Serviços e Gestão, SA. holds 2,840 shares representing 25,02% of the capital of ATPS, SGPS, SA. ATPS, SGPS, SA. on 31/12/2020 holds 19,767,058 shares representing share capital of Ibersol, SGPS, SA. Director – Prof. Doutor Juan Carlos Vázquez-Dodero Does not hold any shares of the company. STATUTORY AUDIT COMMITTEE: Chairman - Dr. Carlos Alberto Alves Lourenço Does not hold any shares of the company. Vice-Chairman – Dr.ª Maria José Martins Lourenço da Fonseca Does not hold any shares of the company. Member – Dr. Eduardo Moutinho Ferreira Santos Does not hold any shares of the company. Substitute – Dr. Arlindo Dias Duarte Silva Does not hold any shares of the company. 221
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