IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 tor of the Board of Directors of companies included in or linked to the Ibersol Group, does not collaborate or interferes with the management of those companies, neither provides any other type of services to any of these companies and has no other type of commercial relationship (material or non-material), whether of service provision or another na- ture, and is not a beneficiary of any kind of remuneration beyond that received annually as a non-executive director of Ibersol, SGPS, SA. The company does not include a plural number of non-executive direc- tors, pointing out that the last electoral event occurred at the general meeting of 26 May 2017, without the validity of the current Corporate Governance Code of 2018 issued by the Portuguese Corporate Institute Governance Committee (IPCG). It should be noted that this non-exec- utive member has held his office continuously since 1999 as a result of successive elections held at subsequent general meetings - without this circumstance has been likely to affect or condition, in any respect, his necessary exemption of analysis and decision in the course of his neces- sary exemption of analysis and decision, in the course of his mandates until the present date. 19. Professional qualifications of the members of the Board of Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Dr. António Carlos Vaz Pinto de Sousa Academic qualifications - BA in Law - Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra - CEOG – Course in Management – Catholic University of Oporto Professional activity - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ibersol, SGPS, SA. - Director of other companies in which Ibersol SGPS, SA holds shares. Date of first appointment and end of current term – 1991 / 2020; Functions performed in board of directors of other societies held by Ibersol Group: ASUREBI - SGPS, SA. EGGON – SGPS, SA. 227