IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020
Consolidated Financial Performance GLOSSARY Results and Other Interim Income Turnover Sales + Services Rendered Sales Sales of Restaurants + Sales of Merchandise Sales of Restaurants Sales of directily operated restaurants Sales of Merchandise Sales of goods to third parties Gross Margin Sales + Services Rendered - Costs of Sales EBIT Margin EBIT / Turnover Margem EBITDA EBITDA / Turnover EBIT Operational Results EBITDA Operating results less amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses of fixed assets, Rights of Use, Goodwill and Intangible Assets Financial Position Capex Tangible and intangible assets additions Net Financing Costs Interest + commissions - income from debtd related investments Interest Coverage EBITDA / Net Financing Costs Net Bank Debt Bonds + bank loans + other loans + financial leases - cash, bank deposits, current investmets, and other long-term financial applications Net Debt Net Bank Debt + Liability for Leases Gearing Net Debt / (Net Debt + Equity Capital) Financial Autonomy ratio Equity / Total Assets 40
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