IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020
Ibersol Group Business Portfolio The year of 2020wasmarked by the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, which had a deep impact on consumers’ behaviour and habits. It was also a year that put Ibersol Group’s business portfolio to the test, highlighting the importance of operating through different channels and restaurants with different formats and locations. Despite the reduction in activity and definitive closure of a relevant number of restaurants, the Group still managed to comply with part of its expansion plan for the BK and KFC brands, that showed higher resilience than other brands, with some restaurants exceeding their per- formance of the previous year. Additionally, two Taco Bell units were opened in Portugal, located in the Centro Comercial Colombo, in Lisbon, and in the Mar Shopping, located in Matosinhos, as well as two Ribs restaurants and one concession in the Barcelona Airport. At the end of the period, the total number of Ibersol group units – self- owned and franchises – was of 623 restaurants, 296 of which of our own brands. 50
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