IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 customer service and food safety, in Portugal, Spain, and Angola. As far as the Ibersol Group is concerned, the certifications confirm and high- light the engagement and dedication of its teams in everything they do. In 2020 the Ibersol Group remained on this path of continuous improve- ment, in tune with the principles of the norms according to which it is already certified. In particular we’d like to stress the certification of the Group’s central production unit – Ibergourmet - Produtos Alimentares, SA (UCP Modi- vas) – according to an extremely demanding GFSI norm, in terms of food safety standards: FSSC 22000 (Version 5) – scope: Ready to eat and ready to heat combined products and meals, sliced, fried, cooked including “sous vide”, grilled, stewed, roasted, baked, packed in ther- moformed plastic containers, with or without vacuum, thermo-sealed plastic bags with MAP, flexible plastic bags sealed, vacuum and MAP, at room temperature, chilled or frozen. (Category CIII) The following certifications were also renewed: - NP EN ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 and 45001:2018, implemented in the restaurant operations management of the Ibersol Group and provision of services in the restaurant/catering sectors in: Catering Estádio do Dragão, VOG Tecmaia, Lisbon Stadium - Terminal 1: Zona Terra: Burger King, Go To Lisbon Airport, Go To - Go Natural; Zona Ar: Pizza Hut, KFC, Cockpit, Go Natural, Specially, including the multi-brand support warehouse. - NP EN ISO 2200:2018 implemented in the food chain management of Grupo Ibersol’s restaurant/in-house catering operations: Estádio do Dragão catering, VOG Tecmaia. Lisbon Airport: Terminal 1 - Zona Terra: Burger King, Lisbon Airport Go To, Go To - Go Natural; Zona Ar: Piz- za Hut, KFC, Cockpit, Go Natural, Specially, including the multi-brand 55