IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Environmental Risk management in the environmental sector falls under the scope of Quality Management, which is responsible for implementing and strengthening concepts of sustainability from the perspective of the adoption of more sustainable and efficient practices in all dimensions of Ibersol Group’s activity. In this context, several measures have been implemented to promote responsible and proactive behaviour and procedures that distribute shared value in the business, environment and society, in what are con- sidered priority sectors, namely the circular economy and waste man- agement, resource conservation and carbon footprint reduction. It is also worth pointing out the recertification according to Norm NP EN ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Systems Management, which now covers two more important business sectors for the Group, namely the Estádio do Dragão Catering operations and the Travel – Airports operation, with all the Group’s units operating in the Lisbon Airport, this is a certification that bears witness to the commitment of the whole structure to strengthen its environmental commitment in the management of its activity’s impact, namely through the optimization of natural resources, environmental protection and carbon footprint reduction. Legal The Ibersol Group and the business area it covers are supported by a permanent legal office that works in tandem with other central and business functions to ensure preventive protection of the Group’s in- terests in respect for the strict fulfilment of its legal obligations. The legal office is also supported, at a national and international level, by external collaborators of renowned competence. Sectoral In terms of strategic planning, existing business portfolio risks are evaluated and identified, new businesses and more relevant projects are evaluated, and the management strategies of those risks are de- 67