IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020
Restaurants safety, and certified units with the Covid Safety Seal, aimed at fulfill- ing all required safety procedures, to better meet our clients’ needs. This year was also important in terms of mobilising teams to boost customer service and product quality through the application of operational programmes focused on these two issues. There was also time for team celebrations, including the brand’s tribal dance and a series of other events car- ried out to celebrate the 30th an- niversary. Investment was also made in safe- ty training for our delivery staff, through the implementation of a course and digital certification of safe driving procedures and safety procedures for home de- livery. Also noteworthy is the fact that the restaurants located in Co- lombo Shopping Centre, Alameda Shop&Spot, NorteShopping, Foz (Porto) and Continente de Ma- tosinhos were once again certi- fied according to the ISO 22000 standard. These are examples of the care and strict requirements that the Brand places on its con- sumers’ food safety. The declaration of a state of emer- gency inAngola after 27March, fol- lowing the World Health Organisa- tion’s decision to label the outbreak a pandemic, let to the adoption of several restrictions on the opera- tion of restaurants throughout the year of 2020, including occupancy restrictions and shorter opening hours that were somewhat offset by the possibility of staying in op- eration through the limited use of take-away and delivery services. Delivery sales, resulting from a partnership with local delivery ser- vice aggregator Tupuca, rose to a ANGOLA During 2020 the brand also strengthened its partnership with the Continente Card, launching a second edition of Menu10, a loy- alty programme based on the Continent Card APP, with unique and differentiating promotional advantages. 78
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