IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Pasta Caffé reached the end of 2020 with three restaurants, two of which operating in high traffic shopping centres, one in Norte- shopping and another in Arrábida Shopping, both of which boast- ing home delivery services and employing 46 employees. The pandemic, which began in 2020, had a very significant im- pact on supply and demand at the shopping centres and, espe- cially, on their restaurant units. Specialised in Italian cuisine, Pas- ta Caffé was one of the players that suffered most with the fall in demand. The brand has always positioned itself as a table service restaurant, a calm location away from the hustle of the shopping centre food courts. The drop in demand was especially severe in PORTUGAL these units since customers tend- ed to prefer fast over the counter meals instead. Changes to consumption pat- terns within the food courts led the brand to decide to close all units that were not contributing and whose locations could be used for more commercially at- tractive concepts. However, the reduction in the number of restaurants did not keep the brand from maintaining team training processes, and the NorteShopping unit was recerti- fied according to the APCER ISO 22000 norms. Regarding customer’s opinions, we continued to consolidate the “Pasta Experience” programme, an on-line platform where the customer evaluates all the rele- 83