IBERSOL | Annual Report 2020

Restaurants vation and standing apart from the competition by incorporating the Brisket, a high-quality premi- um product, and one of the most valued stars of American cuisine today, into the national market. It has also increased its range of ribs and sandwiches, with the “Beef Rib” and the “Brisket Sandwich”, also made from Brisket meat, a succulent and tasty cut that is smoked at a low temperature for over 12 hours over American Wal- nut wood. Despite restrictions, Ribs contin- ued to focus on major celebra- tions (4th of July, Halloween, and Christmas), and offers a com- pletely safe experience, thanks to its strict health and safety proto- col, which allows it to offer maxi- mum safety guarantees every step of the process. In 2020, one of the main events was the consolidation of the de- livery channel in all self-owned restaurants and franchises and their revitalisation through spe- cific promotions and campaigns. Ribs works tirelessly to improve its operational excellence and in 2020 it implemented an exter- nal quality control system in all its own locations and franchises, based on brand quality standards and food safety controls. In 2020 the Ribs La Maquinista restaurant saw its NP ISO 22000 and NP ISO 9001 certifications renewed. At the level of Human Resources, the Ibersol Academy (Moodle training platform) tool was im- plemented in all restaurants and franchises. 90