IBERSOL | Annual Report 2021
ANNUAL REPORT 2021 15. OTHER CURRENT ASSETS As at 31st December 2021 and 2020 Other current assets were as follows: dec/2021 dec/2020 Clients (1) 6 369 453 4 896 323 State and other public entities (2) 5 803 060 5 660 701 Other debtors (3) 10 895 308 11 239 465 Advances to suplliers 202 341 124 317 Advances to fixed suppliers 225 008 408 264 Accruals and income (4) 4 386 985 4 243 357 Deferred costs (5) 1 698 608 1 757 482 Other current assets 29 580 764 28 329 909 Accumulated impairment losses 2 882 406 2 584 702 26 698 358 25 745 207 (1) Current balance arising essentially by the Catering and Franchising activity developed by Ibersol (direct goods or through the logistics operator, and royalties), respectively, from approxi- mately 2.4 million Euros and 2.7 million Euros (2020: 1 million and 2.8 million, respectively). The increase in balances reflects the growth in activity in the second half of 2021. (2) Current balance of recoverable VAT amounts 5,672,782 Euros as at 31st December 2021 (5,511,014 Euros in 2020). (3) As at 31st December 2021, the balance in Other debtors includes aggregators, other debtor balances from suppliers c/c, debts to suppliers for the recovery of charges for marketing and rappel co-payments, meal vouchers (delivered by customers), short-term bails and various ad- vances, as follows: 2021 2020 Meal card/Aggregators (*) 3 939 484 5 496 928 Deposits and bails (**) 2 611 543 1 429 523 Marketing and rappel (***) 2 244 102 2 619 527 Suppliers and other debit balances 1 674 746 1 101 562 Advances 136 857 386 955 Personnel expenses 79 559 36 086 Credit sales 69 143 30 595 Insurance 68 692 129 209 IEFP 43 708 1 310 Continente card 27 475 7 770 10 895 308 11 239 465 397
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