IBERSOL | Annual Report 2021

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS With regard to non-impaired Client’s debts, their maturity is as follows: dec/2021 dec/2020 Debt not due 2 251 063 419 402 Debt due: For less than 1 month 361 575 171 808 From one to three months 1 176 946 428 570 Over three months 2 579 869 3 876 544 Total Clients 6 369 453 4 896 323 Accumulated impairment losses 2 674 804 2 380 688 3 694 649 2 515 635 The increase in customer debt is due to the resumption of catering activity, namely in football stadium concessions, in the second half of 2021. The Group considers default for debt overdue for more than three months in custom- ers with risk of default. The impairment on the total debt of customers with risk of default is recognized. In other debtors, balances with Cards/aggregators are paid immediately after the re- spective summaries, and the balance corresponds to the last period of sales charged by that operator in accordance with the contracted conditions, balances with sup- pliers correspond to the debits made in the month of December and are charged on the payment date of the following month, and deposits and bonds, considered to be overdue for more than three months, do not present any risk. The maturity of other debtors is presented as follows: dec/2021 dec/2020 Debt not due 7 855 573 711 631 Debt due: For less than 1 month 871 158 6 020 200 From one to three months 718 664 1 739 080 Over three months 1 449 914 2 768 555 Total Other debtors 10 895 308 11 239 465 Accumulated impairment losses 207 602 204 014 10 687 706 11 035 451 The last two months of 2020 were greatly affected by the restrictions and confinements to combat the pandemic, so there were delays in the processing of payments / collec- tions that led to a concentration of third-party debt in the “debt overdue for more 400