IBERSOL | Annual Report 2021

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 than 1 month”. As at 31st December 2022, the situation was settled. On the other hand, as at 31st December 2021, collateral and deposits up to the time when the term for which they were constituted is not reached are considered as “unmatured debt” while on 31st December 2020 they were included in “overdue debt”. more than three months ago”. Debt overdue for more than three months is duly analyzed and essentially corre- sponds to debts owed by suppliers for guarantees or advances made and whose con- ference processes require more time than the normal period of commercial relations, not historically justifying the constitution of impairments. Impairment losses in 2021 and 2020 regarding other current assets are broken down as follows: Exercise for the period ended 31st December 2021 Opening balance Currency Conversion Debt cancellation Losses in the Year (note 25) Impairment reversion (note 25) Closing balance Clients c/ a 2 380 687 - -96 037 420 324 -30 173 2 674 804 Other debtors 204 015 3 588 - - - 207 602 2 584 702 3 588 -96 037 420 324 -30 173 2 882 406 Exercise for the period ended 31st December 2020 Opening balance Currency Conversion Debt cancellation Losses in the Year (note 25) Impairment reversion (note 25) Closing balance Clients c/ a 2 378 212 - -1 132 793 1 178 651 -43 383 2 380 687 Other debtors 207 449 -6 883 - 3 449 - 204 015 2 585 661 -6 883 -1 132 793 1 182 100 -43 383 2 584 702 The increases in the year essentially refer to the debts of franchisees of the Pans and Ribs brands in Spain. 16. EQUITY 16.1. SHARE CAPITAL On October 19th, Ibersol’s Board of Directors decided on a capital increase, carried out through a public subscription offer for ten million shares at a price of €4 (four eu- ros) per share addressed to the company’s shareholders. At the end of the subscrip- tion period, the capital increase was fully subscribed and carried out, with an issue premium in the amount of 30 million euros, of which 29,430,852 euros after deducting the costs associated with this capital increase in the amount of 569,148 euros. 401