IBERSOL | Integrated Management Report 2022

INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 Governance In terms of corporate governance, 2022 was particularly rich in new legislation, particularly at the level of risk management mechanisms and sustainability reporting. It is recalled that in December 2021 Decree-Law 109-E/2021 was published creating the National Anti-Corruption Mechanism (MENAC) and approving the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (RGPC), materialising one of the measures to be implemented provided for in the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2024 approved under the terms of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 37/2021 of 6 April. MENAC has the dual mission of (i) promoting transparency and integrity in public action and (ii) ensuring the effectiveness of policies to prevent corruption and related infractions. The RGPC, which covers all legal persons with head office in Portugal employing 50 or more workers, came into force in June 2022, its sanctioning regime takes effect in June 2023 for large companies (June 2024 for SMEs) and implies the adoption of several corruption prevention measures, such as (i) the creation of a Prevention Plan of Risks of Corruption and Related Infringements, (ii) the creation of a Code of Conduct, (iii) the adoption of an internal Training Plan on this topic, (iv) the creation of a Channel for Denunciations (under the terms foreseen in the General Regime for the Protection of Whistleblowers [RGPDI]) and (v) the appointment of a Compliance Officer. The Ibersol Group has been working to ensure scrupulous compliance with the law in this area, in addition to other mechanisms that have already been in place for a longer period of time in terms of risk management. In terms of sustainability reporting, European legislation has also been adding a series of new requirements, covering more quickly and di- rectly listed companies, as is the case of the Ibersol Group. First of all, the European regulation on the disclosure of information related to sustainable finance (SFDR) has just become mandatory, which will imply a much greater demand from investors about the ESG performance of issuers, as is the case of the Ibersol Group. Simul- 33