IBERSOL | Integrated Management Report 2022

Consolidated Financial Statements In 2022, the analysis of the sensitivity to the growth rate in perpetuity is presented as follows: Perpetuity growth rate Impairment Variation in impairment - increase/(decrease) 1% less than the base 2 413 835 3 660 0.5% less than the base 2 453 699 43 524 base 2% more 2 410 175 0.5% more than the base 2 401 406 -8 769 1% more than the base 2 406 075 -4 100 In 2022, the analysis of the sensitivity to the growth rate in perpetuity is presented as follows: Perpetuity growth rate Impairment Variation in impairment - increase/(decrease) 1% less than the base 5 052 578 190 884 0.5% less than the base 4 950 161 88 467 base 2% more 4 861 694 0.5% more than the base 4 843 933 -17 761 1% more than the base 4 786 125 -75 569 The impairment determined in the CGUs identified above was allocated to the corresponding tangible and intangible assets. Although the CGUs include other assets (RoU), taking into account the materiality of the impairment and the lower weight of other assets in each CGU, the allocation of the impairment would not result in material differences in the presentation of financial statements. 6.6. Financial investments Accounting policies Investments in associated companies are recorded in accordance with the equity method of accounting and are included in the consolidated statement of financial position in the caption “Investments in associated companies”. Investments in associates are subject to impairment tests whenever there are indica- tions of impairment. An impairment loss is recognized in the income statement for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. To perform impairment tests, each investment is analyzed separately. Impairment losses on financial investments in associates are reversible. 436