IBERSOL | Integrated Management Report 2022
Consolidated Financial Statements The Group’s available cash essentially includes deposits resulting from the cash generated by operations and the respective deposits in current accounts. Occasionally there may be funds resulting from financing awaiting application, as well as the product of a non-recurring operation such as the sale of Burger King. Excluding these amounts, the value of financial investments at 31 December 2022 is reduced, with the exception of the already mentioned OTs of the Republic of Angola in the amount of 3.1 million euros, subject to country risk. Deposits andother financial investments aredispersedacross several credit institutions, therefore there is no concentration of these financial assets. The ratings of the main credit institutions where the Ibersol Group has deposits on 31 December 2022 and 2021 are presented as follows: Year 2022 Year 2021 Agency Bank Deposits Rating Deposits Rating Standard & Poor´s Banco Santander (ES) 527 653 A+ 426 913 A+ Standard & Poor´s Banco Bilbao Vizcaya 5 690 613 A 761 595 A Standard & Poor´s CaixaBank (ES) 6 254 170 A- 4 687 565 A- Standard & Poor´s Bankinter 10 616 146 A- 411 450 BBB+ Standard & Poor´s Banco BPI 38 551 274 BBB 12 020 442 BBB Standard & Poor´s Banco Santander Totta 49 644 318 BBB 28 945 140 BBB Standard & Poor´s Banco Sabadell (ES) 5 964 471 BBB- 3 949 056 BBB- Standard & Poor´s Millenium BCP 82 368 256 BBB- 29 746 647 BBB- Fitch ABANCA (ES) 77 958 BBB- 121 645 BBB- Fitch Banco Popular 886 924 A- 1 013 452 A- Moody's Caixa Geral Depósitos 2 511 274 Baa2 4 881 956 Baa2 Moody's Banco Montepio 390 686 Ba3 316 523 B1 Moody's Novo Banco 26 557 907 Ba3 4 757 423 B1 Moody's BAI (Angola) 1 286 591 B3 235 998 B- Not available (Angola) CAIXA TOTTA (Angola) 2 987 813 n/a 612 290 n/a Moody's BFA (Angola) 642 603 B3 150 418 n/a Not available (Angola) BCP (Angola) 495 614 n/a 210 720 n/a Not available (Angola) BPC (Angola) 13 340 n/a 7 726 n/a Not available (Angola) Banco Prestigio DCP (Angola) - n/a 186 940 n/a Not available (Angola) BIC/BPN 943 542 n/a 750 695 n/a Not available (Angola) Others 247 470 n/a 13 400 n/a 236 658 625 94 207 992 446
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