IBERSOL | Integrated Management Report 2022
INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 2022 8.1.6. Earnings per share Accounting policies Earnings per share can be expressed in terms of “basic earnings” or “diluted earnings”. Basic Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing earnings attributable to shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares issued during the period, excluding common shares acquired by the company and held as treasury stock. Diluted Dilutedearningspershareiscalculatedbydividingearningsattributabletoshareholders, adjusted for dividends on convertible preferred stock, interest on convertible debt and gains and expenses resulting from the conversion, by the weighted average number of common shares issued during the period plus the average number of common shares issuable on the conversion of dilutive potential common shares. As at 31 December 2022 and 2021, basic and diluted earnings per share were calcu- lated as follows: 2022 2021 Profit attributable to equity holders Continuing operations 16 696 690 25 251 122 Discontinued operations 143 178 459 6 128 785 Number of shares issued at the beginning of the year 46 000 000 36 000 000 Number of shares issued at the end of the year 46 000 000 46 000 000 Weighted average number of ordinary shares issued (i) 46 000 000 37 205 479 Weighted average number of treasury shares (ii) 3 601 643 3 599 981 Weighted average number of shares outstanding (i-ii) 42 398 357 33 605 498 Basic earnings per share (euros per share) Continued operations 0,39 0,75 Discontinued operations 3,38 0 Diluted earnings per share (€ per share) Continued operations 0,39 0,75 Discontinued operations 3,38 0 Number of treasury shares at the end of the period 3 640 423 3 599 981 As there are no preferred voting rights, basic earnings per share equals diluted earn- ings per share. 451
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