IBERSOL | Integrated Management Report 2022
Consolidated Financial Statements 9. Current and Deferred Taxes 9.1.Current income tax Accounting policies Current income tax is calculated based on the taxable income of the companies in- cluded in the consolidation, in accordance with the tax rules in force in the location of the head office of each company included in the consolidation perimeter. In Portugal, the tax estimate (IRC) was calculated under the Special Regime for Taxation of Groups of Companies (RETGS). In Spain, current tax on subsidiaries based in Vigo, Madrid and Barcelona (except Cortsfood and Dehesa) was calculated under the special tax regime for economic groups. The remaining subsidiaries, headquartered in Luanda - Angola, calculate their current tax individually, in light of the regulations in force in the country of their registered office. Uncertain tax positions The amount of estimated assets and liabilities recorded associated with tax proceedings results from an assessment by the Group with reference to the date of the statement of financial position regarding potential differences of understanding with the Tax Ad- ministration. With regard to the measurement of uncertain tax positions, the Group takes into ac- count the provisions of IFRIC 23 – “Uncertainty regarding income taxes”, namely in the measurement of risks and uncertainties in defining the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation, by weighing all possible controlled outcomes and as- sociated probabilities. 9.1.1. Current tax recognized in the income statements Income taxes recognized in the years ended 31 December 2022 and 2021 are detailed as follows: Dec/22 Dec/21 Current tax 2 554 479 312 384 Deferred tax -4 696 205 3 408 986 -2 141 726 3 721 370 466
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