IBERSOL • 2023 Integrated Management Report

INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 2023 with Universidade Portucalense. This is an innovative project, involv- ing specialists from different parts of the world, which aims to help agents in the Horeca sector manage and communicate food allergies to consumers. The project aims to create a set of educational tools to help meet the special needs of consumers. An active human resources and environmental management policy The Ibersol Group aims to ensure the sustainable development of its business and is committed to respect for the environment and a con- stant search for solutions that help to diminish its environmental im- pact and to guarantee the protection of the planet. In 2023 the Group continued to consolidate management policy and practices that contribute to the reduction of its environmental foot- print, namely at the level of resource preservation; promotion of a cir- cular economy; use of used food oil waste for biodiesel production; sustainable procedures and relationships with the Customer and the Supply Chain. These concerns are reflected in the renovation, in 2023, of certification according to Norm NP EN ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Manage- ment Systems, which speaks to the commitment of the whole struc- ture to strengthening its environmental performance in terms of man- aging the impact of its activity, namely through the optimisation of natural resource use, environmental protection, and carbon footprint reduction. 43