IBERSOL • 2023 Integrated Management Report

INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 2023 The Group’s main activity is the operation of restaurants of various own brands and franchises, and the preferred mode of payment of its sales is cash, debit card or other type of card, for example, meal card. With the emergence of sales platforms for home delivery, sales collected through the intermediary are gaining expression. The largest volume of credit results from delivery activity through Aggregators, catering sales, al- though the model of payment in advance is implemented for most customers, as well as the supply of goods and debit of royalties to franchisees. As at 31 December 2023 and 2022, the accounts receivable item breaks down as fol- lows: Note dec/2023 dec/2022 Non-current accounts receivable Non-current financial assets 396 355 501 388 Other accounts receivable 5.2.2. 8 853 318 7 355 485 BK sale receivable amount 6.7 - 7 000 000 Accumulated impairment losses -100 632 -129 384 9 149 041 14 727 489 Current accounts receivable Clients 5.2.1. 7 855 070 17 442 675 State and other public entities 4 422 999 3 041 134 Other debtors 5.2.3. 5 605 985 6 165 750 BK sale receivable amount 6.7 6 803 122 25 974 762 Advances to suppliers c/a 258 510 247 487 Advances to suppliers of fixed assets 64 940 296 657 Accrued income 5.2.4. 4 664 530 4 012 292 Expenses to be recognised 5.2.5. 1 877 649 1 526 337 Accumulated impairment losses 5.2.1. and 5.2.3. -2 874 567 -2 886 823 28 678 238 55 820 271 Total Accounts receivable 37 827 279 70 547 760 BK sale receivable amount Of the estimated amount to be received from the sale of BK, 6,800,000 euros relate to the earn-out estimated value of the fulfillment of the extension program of some contracts, to be completed in 2024, and are therefore presented as non-current (note 6.7). 431